Kamis, 03 Oktober 2013

Unit 3 Personnel Administration

1. How many ways of processing infotype records ? 
> single screen maintenance
> personnel actions
> fast entry

2. What are the most important concepts  in the management of global employees ? 
> each employee cab have multiple personnel assigments
> each personnel assigment is linked to the person

3. What is the green ticks next to menu list in infotype indicated ? 
> records already exist for the selected personnel number

4. What data fields defines ? 
> individual information, such as, last name, first name, and date of birth

5. How many key digits does infotypes has ? 
> four-digit keys

6. What happen to the old data when you update an infotype ? 
> it remains in the system so that you can perform history cal evaluations

7. The processing options for infotype records include ? 
> create 

8. What happen if you create a new record when a previous record already exists ? 
> the system reacts in one of the following ways : it delimites, extends, difides, or deletes the record

9. What the is function of fast entry ? 
> fast entry enables you to maintain an infotype for more than one personnel number on a single screen

10. What are the datas you must enter when you hire an employee?
> Actions (0000)
> Personal Data (0002)
> Organizational Assignment (0001)
> Addresses (0006)
> Planned Working Time (0007)
> Basic Pay (0008)
> Bank Details (0009)
> Absence Quotas (2006)

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